Frame Stage Inspections
There are many reasons to engage a building inspector when constructing your new home. One of the most important phases is the Frame...

Pitfalls of Private Certification
Private certification is common throughout the building industry these days however one thing that certifiers do not check for is quality...

Waterproofing Performance & Guarantees
One of the most common issues we are asked to consult for is moisture ingress in units via rooftop areas. Most rooftops are concrete...

The meaning of the word entrapment is the state of being caught in or as in a trap. One of the little known aspects of Building Reports &...

Living with a Salt Environment
Corrosion is a major factor when assessing homes that fall within a short distance of the ocean. It is more prevalent where wind and...

Asbestos Elements Safety
Asbestos is considered to be a safety hazard / product found in buildings constructed prior to 1990. The most common building element...

When Pool Safety Certificates are Given and The Barrier Doesn't Comply
This pool was given a Safety Certificate the day before we arrived for a building inspection. Corrugated iron should be used only with...

When Temperory Repairs are Not Enough
You see all things when visiting properties to conduct building inspections but this is the first time I have seen a repair like this. I...

Price or Experience
One of the first questions we get asked when a client makes an inquiry is how much does a Building & Pest Inspection cost. It is a...

Safe Access
It doesn’t matter whether you are inspecting an older home or a brand new one, identifying safety hazards is a responsibility of the...