QCAT Dispute Expert Witness
When building disputes cannot be solved using the normal means and the case escalates to a court of law QCAT, Coastal Home & Building Inspections provides a range of comprehensive services to assist with the identification of building defects / non-compliance of building regulations and manufacturers specifications.
We research all aspects of defective building works and compile specialist Building Reports to meet Queensland Civil & Administrative Tribunal requirements. Additional Scott Reports, Expert Witness Conclaves & Court Representation are part of our extensive experience and services to assist our clients.

Its hard to imagine that both a registered builder and professional building certifier miss and sign off issuing a Final Building Approval on structural tie down elements such as bolts missing / nuts loose in clearly visible areas. Disputes should also be lodged against the certifier via the Queensland Building & Construction Commission as they also have a professional and legal duty of care to ensure the client is protected and provided with a service reflective of their license class.